Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Tips Chat for Adolescent

Remembered, although honesty was all of them, not everyone in the Internet did this matter. So, when you were using the Internet or chatting, big-hearted-heart. You will never know when having the person who claimed a/s/l (age/sex/location) - him was 19/f/jkt and the student, in fact was 40/m/somewhere and the unemployment.

The thought was easy to be affected with the person's other personal information in the interesting Internet your attention. In the Internet of plenty of mischievous people who pretended to become the other person, whether became younger/old or claimed to be the woman/the man only to joke and menjahili the other person, through to to trap or made embarrassed the other person.
Be on the alert with whoever was curious too many. Not there is any the rule in the world that required you to say honest about your identity to the other person in the Internet. Kept well information about your name, the age, the house address, the school address and the number of the telephone. Don't care about the request from the person who just was known by you in the Internet.
Entrusted in your instinct, if someone made you not comfortable, left. Lavish your feeling to your friend. If you planned to meet someone who was known by you in the Internet, asked your friend or the person that you believed to accompany you. Ask also so that the person who will be met by you this to ask his friend. Possibly this the strange sound, but this actually was the method that was accurate for your security.
Confirm that your friend in the real world knew what was thought about by you or did. Moreover if you had the problem, was good towards the family, the school and the girlfriend, tell about to the friend or the person that you believed in the real life, not that only was known by you in the Internet. Said to your friend in the real life far more better and more was believed than someone foreign that was known by you in one chat cream.
If you accepted the consignment of the e-mail, file or pictures that his contents aroused suspicion from someone that you did not know and you did not believe, immediately removed consignments.Treat this consignment as being proper for a waste e-mail. You could get the big loss only just because of trusting someone who nowhere near had been met by you or recognised. This matter also was valid in link or URL that appeared to arouse suspicion. Don't you meng-clique anything that was not believed in by you his source and his security, although on the basis of just wanted to search answered on the feeling keingin-tahuan you. Avoided chat cream or mailing-list that his contents was provocative or contained matters of the other negative. Don't was easy to be deceived by persuasions someone in the Internet that tried to affect you in order to make him a friend as in the everyday life. Don't also was easy to be provoked with the provocation someone that heat up-manasi you to quarrel in the Internet. If you tried-please looked for trouble in the Internet, you will get him, and everything will be uninhibited quickly. The loss that finally had been obtained by you.

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