Thursday, August 28, 2008

'Update Browser IE7' content Virus

Be on the alert with the featuring e-mail of the "Explorer Internet 7" that claimed I from Microsoft Feature Offers, a Microsoft service. An e-mail spam tried to infect the computer with the bad program. The e-mail spam this used the subject of the "Explorer Internet 7" and did not explain the message anything apart from one link featuring "download the latest version!" And an article "about this mailing" that referred in the Microsoft service.

The user that clique link download this will be aimed at a page browser false, that afterwards would men-download one file 'update.exe' measured 136KB. File executable that afterwards will infect casualties's computer and men-download malware. Spreading tactics of the bad program like this beforehand also had been used to trap the user of the e-mail, that is with menyamar as file the naked photograph of the artist Angelina Jolie in fact file this in fact was malware. Tactics like that apparently was popular enough to be used. Last week for example, Adobe dismissed the warning about the existence malware that menyamar as installer plug-in Flash. So that safe, the user was appealed to to men-download file update-an browser

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