Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Tips treated the Laptop Battery

For you that used laptop must know the maintenance of the battery laptop, apart from making us thriftier also could launch our activity that needed equipment was very sophisticated.sometimes we in made the headache also with the battery that lowbat and suddenly Laptop we down, in fact we bought just several months ago, so you must know tips the maintenance of the battery laptop like below this:

- don't use the battery and charger notebook that was incompatible. If being not certain of compatibility of the replacement battery or charger that was used, contacted the service part of the producer notebook related.
- the Battery notebook could become hot in the normal use even. don't use notebook while being placed in your lap.
- When used notebook, avoided placed notebook to the soft surface/soft, like to the sofa, the bed or the carpet. Because of the surface like that will hinder the air current underneath notebook and could cause overheating.
- prevented the occurrence of contact to the battery mount that was lax with various object kinds being made from metal, like paper clamper, the thin coin, et cetera.
- the battery notebook, including notebook that personally definitely, did not the excessive pressure that was resulted in because of falling, happen collided, was squeezed or pilled up by the heavy object above. This matter will result in the circuit in the battery becoming susceptible short circuit relations happened (korslet) that afterwards result in overheating. - should not place notebook in aera that could become very hot, like under the intensity of the sun or in the car that was parked for quite a long time in the place was open during the day.
- became wet or affected water, was the matter that must be avoided notebook or his battery. Despite eventually could dry up and function normal, the circuit inside notebook or the battery will slowly be rusty and made susceptible the safety of his user.
- confirmed you understood the instruction, kept and men-charge the battery and notebook that was written in the manual book.

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