Thursday, October 16, 2008

Yahelite Chat Client

Image and video hosting by TinyPicYahoo Messenger is one of them most used Chat Client Service for great Instant Messages. Its allows you to make conversation in Voice, Text even Webcam, but in security reason such as combating spam, bots attacks from boot software or booter, this could be not sufficient for you handle that kind of problem only using official yahoo messenger chat client. Therefore, some of programmer developed their own chat client that will combating those problems. It is sometime calls as 3rd Party Chat Client of Yahoo Messenger.

Yahoo Messenger 3rd Party Chat Client used to chat on yahoo just like what you did when you use official yahoo messenger chat client, but they provide you more security issues such as spam or any kind of malicious software. One of those chat client that may by well known among yahoo messenger chat user is YahElite.

Short Review About YahElite

According to YahElte official website, they claimed that with YahElite Chat Client, we can chat without worrying any kind of spam, advertisement, nags, banner, and even spy ware. They said on the caption of their YahElite official website –– ,”Chat without SPAM: no banners, no advertisements, no nags, no spam, no spy ware” and said also that YahElite will protect us form ‘boot codes’, ‘unwanted PMs’, ‘voice bombs / sound bombs’ and other mischief.

YahElite works for Operating System: Windows 95, Windows XP, and Linux WINE. Its sound I can’t find any version that announced to be work for Windows Vista or others version of Linux Operating System.

It is recommended to you that you chose Full YahElite installer if you will chat with YahElite on your own home Personal Computer, instead of minimal YahElite - that been recommend to use at a public or library.

Our Experiences using YahElite

For a new user, YahElite chat client may seem to be perplexing. The ordinary questions came from the new user of YahElite are “how we join in chat room yahoo messenger using YahElite?”, “where I can find my buddies or my friends messenger list?” and sometime they confuse about, “how to chat with an alias account or public ID when try to join chat room?” and so on.

Uniqueness and useful features: YahElite has spam protection, full of emoticons list without any hidden emoticons, tattoo for your nickname in chat room, wild card options, proxy setting, and allow you to use Multiple ID / Multi ID without need to patch YahElite.

Lack from YahElite: static emoticons, classic minimalist design, unsupportable nickname in chat room and alias changing or public ID changing in chat room. YahElite–It’s sound derives from the word Yahoo Elite, sometimes for advance boot attack, YahElite did not able to handle or secure from being booted.

Version History:

The latest Version of YahElite is YahELite Full version is Build 326 or YahElite 326.

YahElite Download

As We said above, there are two version of YahElite Installer that you can download. Full YahElite and minimal YahElite Download.

Download YahElite Installer then install on your Personal Computer. If you are not able to download from YahElite official website that I give you above, you can also use the alternative download We give you below. YahElite is freeware chat client software, you allow to download YahElite free.

Free YahElite Download on MediaFire: Download YahElite

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