Sunday, September 7, 2008

Tips Treat FlashDisk

In the sophisticated time as is now the case, almost everyone must have flashdisk, especially for people who were active in the world of the computer. What flashdisk? Flashdisk was one of the implements to keep the data with the capacity was bigger compared with the diskette. The make and the price flash the disk that circulated in the market then various-various. Apart from the quality, expensive not him flashdisk also depended with the capacity size that was available, increasingly big his capacity was increasingly expensive also his price. So, although flash the disk was preserved by us, the object that usually measuring small and coloured funny this also must in treated right. Not only because of his price that was relatively expensive but also although the important data that was kept inside was safer. Well, along with this was tips how treated and used flash the disk correctly. Please in saw yach...

1. Keep away flashdisk from the strong magnetic field and electronics things like the TV and the mobile phone.The method is, did not have kept him near the similar thing thing that had the strength of the big magnet or placed mobile phone, and flash the disk in the place that was same like in the bag.
2. Try to get to not keep flashdisk in the hot place everything was affected by the direct sun rays, because of could damage the function from flashdisk personally. For example, left flashdisk in the car.
3. Avoided flashdisk from the hard collision.
4. Although having several flashdisk that kept would alias water waterproof, but continue to to keep away flashdisk from the drop of water, so that was avoided from defect and the loss da
5. Continue to to do ritual scan the virus periodically with software anti the virus that was available. Because, it was not impossible your flashdisk will be affected by the virus at the time of the taking and the transfer of the data.
6. Try to get to minimise the process removed wrote and make accustomed to edit the data from flash his disk direct. Because, although flashdisk have age or could not be used again. The age flash the disk differed, dependeq quality and the make from flashdisk personally. Usually the age flashdisk between10.000-100.000 the process time removed wrote.
7. Kept the data or the document inside hard the disk before, don't direct to flashdisk. This so that temporary file will not be kept inside flashdisk that definitely will increase the task flashdisk and reduced his age.
8. Always carried out the process eject or stopped before repealed flashdisk from port USB. by did not carry out the process eject or stopped could influence file-file the data that was kept by you and could damage flashdisk.
9. Be closed always your flashdisk after wearing him. Because, if socket flash our disk was dirty then could result in the process read wrote often failed.

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1 Comment:

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