Thursday, September 4, 2008

To Know IP Address method in Yahoo Messenger

I wrote posting this to answer one question that entered my email about the method of knowing IP address to Yahoo Messenger, you could know IP address the friend chat you without yahoo tools, you were enough to use facilities from windows.for used this method you must in the position chat with the friend chat you. His method like this... Please was sent by you take the form of file to the friend chat you, better be sent by you file has big memory so as the process of the transfer was rather long, at the time of the transfer file followed the step as follows:

1. Start - run - typed CMD - pressed enter
2. Then in the screen command prompt that was open, please typed, netstat then pressed enter.
3. Then later will be seen by several of IP address, like that was seen below this. The example: C:\Documents and Settings\>netstat
Active Connections
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State
TCP win06v5:1045 localhost:1046 ESTABLISHED
TCP win06v5:1046 localhost:1045 ESTABLISHED
TCP win06v5:1047 localhost:1048 ESTABLISHED
TCP win06v5:1048 localhost:1047 ESTABLISHED
Afterwards paid attention to the IP Address address that had the suffix like ini. the IP number :5101 SYN SENT
The example: SYN SENT
YM used port 5101 to send file. then if having the number ip with the suffix port :5101, then so the IP address address your interlocutor.

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